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Showing posts from January, 2021

Day 26

Presence in Hormuz 2 / ZAV Architects Hello people, hope you had a calm Sunday. Today I asked my other sister to choose a project from Archdaily's Instagram page. she sent me a colorful, full of domes picture. the picture was for a small community project on Hormuz island.  I started reading about the island and I was charmed by its beauty. the rainbow valley and the red sand beach made the island known for its colorful landscape.  Hormuz island Besides Its being a tourist attraction point, it's also an important port for the petroleum trade. Unfortunately, the residents of this island suffer economically. Therefore a series of projects were planned for the empowerment of the community. One of them is today's project.  Well, after a small context explanation, let's get into the project. The project is a residential + commercial project. located at one of the beaches of the island, the projects main principles were: 1- building economically 2- dividing the budget where t...

اليوم ٢٦

       ZAF حضور في جزيرة هرمز / معماريين    الوظيفة : قرية سكنية ← الموقع : جزيرة هرمز / ايران  ← 2المساحات : 10300 م  ← مرحبا يا جماعة  بتمنى تكونوا سعيدين بعلاقاتكم طلبت اليوم من أختي اختيار مشروع من صفحة ارك دايلي على الانستغرام، ارسلت لي صورة ملونة مليئة بالقباب. كانت الصورة لمشروع قرية صغيرة في جزيرة هرمز. بدأت القراءة عن الجزيرة وسحرني جمالها فا لجزيرة معروفة بمناظرها الطبيعية  الملونة مثل  وادي قوس القزح وشاطئ الرمال الاحمر  جزيرة هرمز إلى جانب كونها نقطة جذب سياحي، فهي أيضًا ميناء مهم لتجارة البترول. لسوء الحظ ، يعاني سكان هذه الجزيرة اقتصاديًا. لذلك تم التخطيط لسلسلة من المشاريع لتمكين و دعم المجتمع. واحد منهم هو مشروع اليوم بعد شرح البسيط عن سياق و مكان المشروع ، خلونا نبدأ المشروع هو عبارة عن مشروع سكني + تجاري،  يقع على أحد شواطئ الجزيرة، وكانت المبادئ الرئيسية  للمشروع هي ١-  ان يكون البناء اقتصادي   ٢- ان  تقسم الميزانية حيث يذهب المبلغ الأكبر للعمالة وتدريبهم     ٣- استخدام المو...

Day 25

Green Hill - Scale 3 / TJAD Original Design Studio Hello survivors, hope you're feeling better.  Today I woke feeling better, mentally and physically, as you recall from the last posts I've been feeling down lately, I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed from the number of things I have to do which eventually reflected my body and got me sick. BUT I'm good now so let's continue... Today we will be talking about the third scale in the Huangpu river renovation project, here we will see how the principles that were taken on a bigger scale are translated into architectural elements such as buildings, parks, walls, landscape elements, pathways, etc..... Well let's get into the project This project is a renovation of an old tobacco factory and warehouse. The 6-story factory created a barrier that blocked visually and physically the city's residents from the river, therefore  the architect saw an opportunity to reuse the building and to reconnect it with the city befor...

اليوم ٢٥

     مشروع التل الأخضر / استديو اوريجينال ديزاين  الوظيفة : مساحات عامة ← الموقع : شنغهاي، الصين  ← 2المساحات : 17500 م  ← مرحبا بالناجين  بتمنى تكون الحياة مريحتكم بصراحة حاسة بشعور غريب اني ترجم النكد يلي كنت كاتبته بالانجليزي فحاليا رح خلي الترجمة بس للمشاريع و بهيك بكون الله نجاكم من جرعة حزن :) عكلن عطوني رأيكم بالانستاغرام اذا بتحبوا اترجم هل  فقرة مشروع اليوم هو جزء من مشروع امبارحة، اليوم رح نشوف كيف اترجمت  المبادئ التي تم اتخاذها على  نطاق أوسع إلى عناصر معمارية مثل المباني والحدائق والجدران والمسارات وما إلى ذلك خلونا نبدأ بالمشروع  المشروع عبارة عن تجديد لمصنع تبغ  ومستودع  قديم . المصنع المكون من 6 طوابق شكل حاجزًا بصريًا وجسديًا    يمنع  سكان المدينة من الوصول الى النهر ، لذلك رأى المعماريون فرصة لإعادة استخدام المبنى  وإعادة ربطه بالمدينة كانت الفكرة الرئيسية هي تحويل المبنى إلى جسر يصل بين المدينة و النهر من خلال تقليل حجم الكتلة القديمة. الكتلة الجديدة رح  تحتوي على عدة وظائف منها...

Day 24

Yangpu Riverfront South Section Phase II - Scale 2  / DA Landscape + TJAD Original Design Studio Hello sick people, who is striving to achieve their goals? hope you get better.  This morning I woke up really sick, but I'm really committed to achieving the goal of this blog, therefore, I will try to do my best.  Today we will be talking about the second scale of the Yangpu riverfront renovation project, when a series of principles are applied on a bigger scale, we as architects should be able to create a variation of these principles according to a smaller scale. In today's reading, we will see how the principles were applied in a smaller section of the 45 km project.  Well nothing else to be said, let's get into the project. Today's site is 1.2 km that marks one of the endpoints of the 45km project. The main problems in this site were abandoned warehouses, factories, and docks, the lack of open space, and the old flood control system.  The principles for renovat...

اليوم ٢٤

     مشروع اعادة تأهيل القسم الجنوبي من نهر يانغبو في الصين  الوظيفة : مساحات عامة ← الموقع : شنغهاي، الصين  ← المساحات : 1.2 كم  ← مرحبا، يا جماعة  بتمنى تكونوا بخير قبل ما ابدا بالمشروع، خلوني احكيلكم شوي عن شكل المقالات في المدونة، بشكل عام ببدأ اني احكيلكم عن يومي و الظرف يلي كنت عم عيشوا وانا عم ابحث عن المشروع يعني بمعنى اخر بنكد عليكم :) ففيكم دائما تتخطوا هي المقدمة و تروحوا عل مشروع خلونا نبدأ بالمشروع   مشروع اليوم بمثل نقطة نهاية مشروع اعادة تأهيل ضفاف نهر يانغبو في مدينة شنغهاي في الصين موقع المشروع كانت المشاكل الرئيسية في هذا الموقع هي المستودعات والمصانع والأرصفة المهجورة وقلة المساحات المفتوحة ونظام التحكم في الفيضانات القديم  مبادئ تجديد هذا الموقع يلي اتبناها المعماريين هي كالاتي ١-  الاحتفاظ بجميع الأرصغة وإعادة استخدامها كممرات للدراجات و للمشاة   ٢-  استخدام الرافعات كنقاط تركيز بصري بعنى اخر معلم بصري   ٣-  ترميم المصانع والمخازن القديمة واستخدامها كمعارض و مساحات عامة ٤- التخلص من...

Case Study 23: Yangpu Riverfront - Scale 1

Yangpu Riverfront - Scale 1  Hello allergic people, hope you're breathing well.  Today we will be talking about the first scale in the Yangpu riverfront renovation project. In architectural practice, it's important to gain the skill of navigating between different scales. so what do we mean by scale? through the design process and in order to gain a full understanding of the site, we should be able to analyze the position this project takes and will take according to the smallest element in the site like trees, to the bigger picture like the relation to its region.  well let's get into the project *** after writing the intro I had an allergy attack, therefore there will not be any visuals today, I will add them later, but I've already prepared the paragraphs so bring up your imagination while reading **** After the industrial revolution in the 18th century, most of the city's river banks were occupied by factories, warehouses, and docks. therefore the access for the...

Day 22

Yangpu Riverfront South Section Phase II / DA Landscape + TJAD Original Design Studio Hello fearless people whose surprises thrive them, hope you're connecting the dots.  Today I approached a different method in choosing the project. I asked my little sister to scroll through Archdaily's Instagram page and choose what she thinks is beautiful. She ended up sending me a landscape project.   At first,  I thought it was easy but it ended up being a small part of a 45 km project.  and as my curious little ass can't just neglect the 45 km project, I ended up spending the day reading about the Yangpu riverfront renovation project.  In this project, we will read about how architectural projects create a bigger relationship with its surrounding and how navigation through different scales can reveal major problems that affect different aspects of the economy, tourism, environment, and social and daily life of the city's residents.  Well, Let's get into the project In...

Day 21

The Urban Environment House / Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects Hello, night owls Hope you're taking care of yourself.  If you're feeling curious, yes my arms and legs are still hurting, and, yes I didn't work out today, well I did nothing today except reading this project. Well, Let's get into the project. Today's project takes place in Helsinki, Finland,  The project is an office building for an urban environment division where they specialize in city planning, building supervision, and environmental services.  The design of the facade comprises a mix between modern and archaic that can be seen in the contrast between the minimal and arch shape windows.  The architect's aim is to create a sense of togetherness between officials and citizens. to achieve that the ground and first floor have been given back to the city through public functions like a cafe, restaurants, exhibitions, etc.  Diverting from the traditional isolated floors offices, new relationships ...

Day 20

St. Andrews Girls Hostel / Zero Energy Design Lab Hello, ambitious who started the week doing sport.  hope you're feeling healthy! Today I started learning kickboxing, unsurprisingly I'm writing to you people using two fingers only :'). so I decided to hear my body and take the rest of the evening off.  But I had already started something.   let's see!  Today's project takes place in India's industrial and technological hub. Gurugram held in many universities and institutions which resulted in the need for dorms. This one hosts rooms for 130 female students. The main concept is to create a public space facade - a smaller scale of the Pompidou center - and connect it to different common shared function that is distributed along with the different levels.  The project is really interesting but has a lot of technical principles that I cannot conduct know. The facade is made out of brick that rotates according to the sun to create thermal and visual comfort space....

Day 19

Dirk and The Chocolate Factory  / Anna & Eugeni Bach hello people,  hope you're working on something interesting because I'm not! Unfortunately, today's project was a big disappointment, not because It's bad design but because they didn't explain the fun part of the project, I don't know when architects will understand that the process of designing, researching, and understanding is as valuable as the design Itself. like I really want to know how you transferred an old factory into a resident, I want to see the before pictures, I want to know the principles.  Normally, I would change the project, but I believe that if I want to document the process, I'll pass through some boring projects and I should reflect on them because nothing is perfect you know.  Well, Let's get into the project One of the missing things in the project, distribution is the old statue of the factory, they did preserve the sight of the ceiling, the wide space, and the staircase....

Day 18

Chara-ani Public Stairs / EVA Studio  Hello people hope you're having a fun weekend. Today I decided to take the day off, but I couldn't take yesterday's project out of my head, how the wrong understanding of the cultural and social context of a site can ruin the whole project.   Therefore I started searching for public space projects that managed to reflect the real needs of the residents.  The project takes place in the Qoubbeh neighborhood in Tripoli, Lebanon. for 3 years the neighborhood was a conflicted land. The war traces could be seen in the bullet-covered facades.  The project's main intention is to help the residents reclaim the public space in their neighborhood.  The public space is defined through the stairs that connect the neighborhood together and to the historic part of the city.  the stair's steps are the playground for the children, the cafe for the mothers, and the workplace for bakers.  The architects  started by holding ...

Day 17

Center Village / 5468796 Architecture  Hello people, Hope you're having beautiful dreams.  I know it's  3 am again But bear with me because Today's project has a plot twist.  The project takes place in the central park neighborhood in Winnipeg, Canada. This place is known as the starting point for immigrants and refugees. It's culturally diverse and holds affordable and social houses. The neighborhood life condition is very low, because of the low income and high rate of crime.  I think you understood the social and cultural context of the place.  Well, Let's get into the project.  The need for social housing has led the priest of the church to start a cooperative company, where they partnered with another company to build this project. Originally, the site was to build six single houses, but for the company to afford it, the units should be raised to accommodate 25 families.  The architect's major challenge was how to balance the high-densit...

Day 16

St-Agatha-Berchem Sustainable Social Housing / B2AI Hello people,  hope you're doing fine. Today's topic is an extension of yesterday's when we talked about Cite moderne, as the project is an addition that was built in 2012, after 9 decades of the original. we will examine how the architectural principles of cite moderne were translated into the 21st-century language.  In the plot's layout, we can read some clues that refer to Cite modern, building alignment according to the sun, the sawtooth configuration for maximizing daylight, and the private gardens, they all held in the same planning principles of  La Cite moderne. The only difference is the collective courtyards that were defined by the blocks. Another aspect of the intention to create an image of the cite moderne in 21st language can be seen in the elevation and facade's components, the height of the building, or the difference of their typologies. The referenced architectural elements such as canopies, logg...

Day 15

La Cite Moderne /  Victor Bourgeois Hello guys,  hope you're not upset about me posting at 3 am. I know you've been waiting :') Today's topic is a little different, recently with a human organization building low-cost houses for refugees in northern Syria. the discussion of how the design of refugees camp should be has been around, especially with the same organization launching a competition for a new camp next year.   I didn't decide to join yet, but there is no harm with small research, Therefore, Today I started searching for a refugee camp, well there are very few ones. So I grow my search circle and came to social houses. hoping I will get to understand the principles of designing camps.  Well after a long introduction, Let's get into the project.  After WWII, the need for quick and affordable houses has emerged, especially with the wave of immigrants moving to the city for work. Today's project considers one of the biggest modern social house project...

Day 14

Amwaj Villa / MORIQ Hello guys,  hope you're working on something excited. Today's project is really boring, It is an example of the type of architecture that I don't want to practice. Let's pray that I won't be forced to.  although that the only reason that I chose it is to be able to understand the typology of Arab villas in different regions. I started to get an idea about the difference between designing a villa in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia wins, they are more excited.  To be fair designing residences can be excited when Its context covers up the city and its dynamics, when we create a relationship with Its surroundings and when architecture brings people together. here,  the discussion of the architect's role and limits emerge. Can we force our ideas over people, can we stop them from building private villas on artificial islands. Is it their right to built so, if it is where is the city here?  Well, with a lot of questions and a few answe...

Day 13

Querencia Neighborhood Facility / L'eau Design + Dongjin Kim  ➨  Function : Community center ➨  Location:  Seoul, South Korea ➨  Area:  459 m2   Hello dwellers, hope you're living in places that represent you.  Today was full of beautiful coincidences, a series of meaningful signs that relate to the day's project. After a long time tripped in my house at a glass skyscraper, today, I visited a neighborhood. I walked through its alleys, I took a photo of an old byzantine wall and I had a coffee on a bench in front of a mosque. I grew up in a neighborhood, my soul and my spirit are familiar with its intimate relations. living in a Metropol could make us forget but this pandemic helped us reach out to our inner child.  Well, It's getting personal, let's get into the project. If you're wondering what has my brief trip to do in today's project, well, it is a community center; It is a place where all the residents of the neighborhood are welcomed. W...

Day 12

Ternion Villas / Studio Toggle Hello, snowman,  hope you're doing fine I'm really not getting ArchDaily's algorithm of choosing projects, like how often they change the featured projects and how they choose it. Well, today I made my own choice.  After analyzing the work market, I figured that most of the jobs are residential projects in Arab bay, therefor I started seeking projects in the field, and I ended up working on designing a villa's facade in Saudi Arabia. After this short story, I think you figured out today's project. It is a villa in Kuwait. I need to get familiar with their design codes, So BEAR with me.  Well, let's get into the project. The project site that is located near the bay's threshold, is made of three villas. the main design criteria are creating introverted climate-controlled spaces. The masses are divided according to the wind, sun, and view. The living spaces like the kitchen and the living room are located on the ground floor arou...

Day 11

Maison Mouvaux / TANK Architects Hello guys, hope you're doing okay, my ghosts. Today I had a very busy day, normal, I wouldn't post, my perfectionist self would not let me, but as I committed to posting every day a year, I have to accept the fact that some days, I wouldn't t be able to study the project perfectly.  Well, I nagged enough, let's get into the project.  Today's project takes place in the  commune  of  Mouvaux in the north of France, A little tour through google earth, showed that the area is full of stand-alone houses and their backyards.  I realized that an important aspect of designing in that area is the relationship you create between the house and nature. I think that this project responds very sincerely. The key concept relies on creating a wooden shell that covers the house and meets with the ground through glazed walls. The transparent ground floor blends with nature, creating a living space where activities like cooking, reading, play...